About Us

At Tipple Tree, we make delicious infusions of fine spirits with exciting flavours, using authentic ingredients and blending each delectable concoction by hand.

Ideal for special occasions, our flavoured spirits make the perfect present for anyone who appreciates fine food and drink. Check out our range here.

And, while we pride ourselves on our selection, we’re always open to fresh inspiration. If you have an idea for a flavour-and-spirit combination, contact us and who knows, your suggestion could be our next big seller!


I started off with crafting, making random jewellery. I love Christmas so I would make earrings, keyrings, etc for my family and friends and I would hunt through the many Christmas magazines for new ideas for gifts. I found a recipe for mulling syrup (which is the one I still use) and made that as gifts. I then found a recipe for Turkish Delight Vodka and, because Turkish Delight was my Mum’s absolute favourite, I just had to give it a go and so it began!


It has taken longer than I thought it would but I could not have come this far without the support and tremendous help from my fabulous family and friends. Special thanks go to:

  • My very good friend Donna Willis and her husband Andy have spent hours with me designing my labels and logo which I absolutely love!
  • My niece Joanne has set up my gorgeous website and also does  my Facebook page as I am a complete technophobe and would not have a clue where to start. She has also designed my car stickers and button badges etc for my merchandise. Definitely would not be able to do this without her.
  • Vicky Rose for all the help and advice and the great range of keyrings/bag charms.
  • My bosses at Petshed for being supportive and encouraging.
  • My husband for putting up with kilner jars being all over the kitchen and for all his help bottling, sealing, labelling and putting up with me stressed.
  • Jake Carter for the cocktail recipes.

Thank you from the botttom of my heart as I really could not be doing this without you. Bottoms up! Salut! Cheers to you all! Now let’s go and toast with some Tipple Tree Vodka!

So my business is started,
Well you can’t call it art,
But body and soul is put in it
it comes from the heart.
It just started as gifts,
Now this could be funny,
Thought I’d give it a go
And try selling it for money!
Now flavours a thing,
And each to their own,
Turkish Delight Vodka started it
And now it has grown.
In vodka there’s ginger and coffee
To name but two
But if you’ve a favourite flavour
I’ll see what I can do.
Then there’s cucumber gin
And also raspberry
These are neat alcohols though
So they will make you quite merry!
There’s whiskey with ginger,
Which is good for a cold.
Great in your tea,
Or neat if you’re bold!
Then there’s mulling syrup
For good old mulled wine.
Be generous with it,
But don’t you drink mine!
So there’s a lot going on,
All exciting and new.
Thank you for looking,
Did you like the view?
Why not purchase a sample,
You’ll be glad that you came
So do come again,
It’s all in the name.